Dr. J. Gregory Payne

Chair, Department of Communication Studies, Emerson College

Dr. J. Gregory Payne is also the Co-Director of the Emerson Blanquerna Center for Global Communication and received an “Honoris Causa” from the University of Ramon Llull in Barcelona in the fall of 2019 for his distinguished academic and professional career. He has taught at Yale and Tufts University. Dr. Payne received his B.A, M.A. and Ph.D. at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and also earned an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He has authored books, chapters, articles and proceedings and has lectured internationally on topics related to political communication, public diplomacy, health communication, media, ethics, leadership, negotiation, crisis and risk communication. He is on the Advisory board of the Journal of Health Communication, Tripidos, American Behavioral Scientist, Media Ethics, Journal of Promotion Management, among others. He has been the invited editor for American Behavioral Scientist’s special edition on the U.S. presidential campaign for every election since l988. He is past President of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, past chair of the Political Communication Division of the National Communication Association, and Advisory Board member of the Global Public Relations Project.